These poems are from a series inspired by reading Atlas Obscura stories while listening to a music genre randomly selected from my list. The poems were written immediately after reading, still while listening to the randomly chosen music. Please share, click the clapping hands below, or throw me a dollar for coffee if you enjoy these.

Koukokuji Temple
(read the story
riot grrrl

Photo collage of lit-up Tokyo columbarium and Kathleen Hanna performing

They say there’s ashes underneath ya!
No shit!

What’s the matter Buddha, got no skeleton?
Did your femur up and leave ya?

You are glowing in the dark
I have fire in my heart
I’m not dazzled by
yr pretty show of lights

a lit up dead place
is not the same as life

You can find me at or on Twitter at @erinlyndal.

Erin Lyndal Martin is on Substack Now
Erin Lyndal Martin is on Substack Now

Written by Erin Lyndal Martin is on Substack Now

Writer, artist,music journalist. Twitter@erinlyndal. Venmo is @ErinLyndal Martin or if you enjoy.

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