These poems are from a series inspired by reading Atlas Obscura stories while listening to a music genre randomly selected from my list. The poems were written immediately after reading, still while listening to the randomly chosen music. Please share, click the clapping hands below, or throw me a dollar for coffee if you enjoy these.
Probing the Secrets of the Universe From Deep in the Australian Outback (click to read original story)
I’ve been thinking about ants
and electricity, how radio waves
and sunlight mess up the sky.
I’ve been thinking of the strangers
who made metal spiders in the desert
where radios never go.
Their margin of error
is hundreds of millions of years
and every lizard
is named Steve.
Come one
come all 300 of you, they say.
Come one weekend
every two years.
Come ultraviolet, come kilometers
into the Outback, leave your phone behind.
Come and tell yourself you’re listening
for how light reappeared,
and how the Big Bang
created dark dark static.
.You can find me at or on Twitter at @erinlyndal.